Fly-tying Courses

barra 150904a saratoga-151010

Fly tying courses  . . . . as easy as a b c

a b c of Fly Tying - Trout Flies
a b c of Fly Tying - Bass, perch & saratoga flies
a b c of Fly Tying - Estuary and saltwater flats flies
a b c of Fly Tying - Big freshwater & saltwater flies

The courses have been designed so that as you tie each successive fly in any of the three courses your skills will accumulate and be reinforced. It is therefore best if you tie the flies in the order presented.

Click on  a "Module Hyperlink" at the top of this page or at the bottom of any page in the course to access the module you are up to or the module you want to review. If you are just starting the course that should be the first module in the course you have chosen. Open the recipe for the first fly in the course you are up to by left clicking on the name of the fly. If you are just starting the trout course that will be the Red Tag. You can open the recipe for the Red Tag and other various flies by either clicking on the name of the fly or the picture of the fly. Follow the detailed steps to tie the fly.

As you proceed you will see hyperlinks saying "Member Information". When you access these hyperlinks by clicking on them the program will take you directly to further detailed information explaining the step in the tying of the fly that you have selected. Access to member information is only available to members. Annual membership fee is only $25 each year. Non members can of course follow the course but they will not have access to "Member Information" which includes:

  1. Access to a comprehensive "Skills Data Base". The Skills data Base is arranged in alphabetical order and is an easy way to access information to review skills or check out specific skills that you want to know more about.
  2. Key articles on Loch Style Fly Fishing and Fly Fishing River Techniques.
  3. Comprehensive fly fishing and fly tying glossary / dictionary.
  4. And being added progressively access to detailed information on a range of Fly Fishing Locations. Content is based on information submitted by members and fishing consultants of Fish On Fly and includes specific information in including; how to get there; open season, services available; species and size; food chain; fly suggestions; techniques and hot spots.

At the top of many of the module pages there are also links against the heading "Theory (10-15 minutes) to articles that are relevant to what you are learning. By reading the articles you will gain a better understanding of fly tying and fly fishing.

At the top of every page there is also a series of hyperlinks that give you access to the other main parts of the site.

The  skills you need to master for each successive fly are identified just to the right of each fly tied but if you are not using the CD to do the course you will need some assistance from an experienced fly tier to show you the skills or you will need to search out information on the various skills in the many well illustrated books, videos  etc. For example the first skill learnt is " Correct placement of the hook in the vice" and the methodology and reasons behind the correct placement of the hook in the vice are well documented in a range of literature, web sites etc. Or if you have my CD there by just following the link.