Jelly worm


When Chironomids move from the detritus matter in which they hatch and live for a substantial part of their pupal life they are often blood red and consequently are known as blood worms. As they move toward emergence the blood red colour gives way to brown, olive and even almost black coloration. This process usually occurs on mass and from the time thy leave the relative security of the detritus matter to the time that take wing they are keenly targeted by trout often at the expense of all other food sources.

This fly is a good represent of chironomids in their "blood worm" stage and it works well as an anchor fly in a team of two or three chironomids particularly when fished static early in the hatch. As the hatch progresses its often best to swap from this blood worm representation to an olive or black  chironomid or buzzer which may better represent the grub as it gets closer to emergence.



Hook Thread Weight Body Thorax
Hanak 300BL #10 to #14 Red Lead wire Vinyl rib Red seals fur



  1. Wind the thread in touching turns from about the 95% position a third of the way down the hook shank.
  2. Tie in a length of lead wire. I used .015 lead wire for a size #10 hook.
  3. Wind the lead wire forward in 10 or 12 touching turns and break off the excess lead wire.
  4. Directly behind where the lead wire is tied in tie in a length of vinyl rib. Lock the vinyl rib into position along the top of the hook with touching turns of the cotton all the way along the hook shank to part way round the bend of the hook.


  1. Wind the thread forward to the 95% position in touching and where necessary overlapping turns creating a uniform under-body and slightly thicker thorax.


  1. Wind the vinyl rib forward in tight touching turns along the hook to about the 85% position.
  2. Tie the vinyl rib of with the thread and trim the excess vinyl rib.


  1. Select a small tuft of seals fur dubbing and dub on a thorax finishing just behind the eye of the hook.
  2. Build up a small thread head behind the eye of the hook.
  3. Whip finish the thread and trim the excess thread and varnish the head.