
These articles are predominately related to fishing for trout.

Fly lines that I use – #6 trout in lakes

I select the best fly lines that I can for particular situations and have set up my gear so that I can relatively easily take one fly line off and replace it with another, during a fishing session, so as to achieve my goals. This process has left me with the following five 'go to' 6 weight fly lines in my lake kit to cover all my lake based trout fishing options:

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I use this fly to represent not only Scuds but also Olive Caddis Pupa which are of course a completely different types of creature. Scuds are true crustaceans of the family Isopod or Amphipods and generally you find them in shallow water in the detritus matter and around weed beds and drowned vegetation.

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Royal Wulff

With origins in the 20's the Wulff is as much a style of fly as a fly in its own right. It is certainly one of the quintessential dry flies and in some shape or form you will find variants in most fly boxes. Whilst the originals were tied using elk hair tails and upright upright divided calf wings I lean toward variants that have buoyant deer hair tails and divided wings.

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Bloodworm – Chatto’s TBH marabou bloodworm

A streamlined fast sinking fly that will anchor your team ... the UV mirage tinsel is just a fine line along the spine but is enough to ensure that the fly is seen at darker depths.

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Straggle fritz bugger

'I switched to a slime line and put a Black Straggle Fritz Taddy on the point, kept the Damsel on the dropper and, due to the weed, discarded the top dropper completely. At the end of one retrieve I had a cracking take on the hang and bullied a near 5lb rainbow into the net.'

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Caddis (sedge)

Caddis flies are also known as sedge because of their habit of clinging to sedge grass along the banks of rivers and impoundments . . . well at least in the UK the do. Caddis flies have four wings which, even though one set is slightly forward of the other , basically present as a v shape running back along the body of the fly. They don't have tails but they often have long antenna.

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The location you are reviewing is one of several venues being considered by Fly Fish Australia Inc. as a venue for either the 2011 Oceania Fly Fishing Championships, the 2012 Commonwealth Fly Fishing Championships or the 2011 Nationals. Accordingly information in relation to 'Fly suggestions' and 'Hot spots' has been removed from the venue post tat you opened.

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What trout eat – Central Tasmania

A general guide to what trout eat in Central Tasmania

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Shrek – original

This fly was out of left field as far as I am concerned and when first introduced to it had no great expectation of it finding its way into my fly box. I was wrong. The bright tinsel body certainly stands out and rather than spooking fish as I expected it seems to trigger a response from trout particularly in “smelt” water or slightly discolored or tannin water.

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