Posts Tagged ‘flies’

Carixia and shrimp

I have extended the population of flies that I carry in my nymph fly box to include flies like Carixia and Shrimp flies because I fish them ostensibly in the same way that I fish my nymphs.

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Fuzzel Katie – Kate McLaren variant

I particularly find the yellow version useful when yellow winged hoppers or other insects with yellow parts are on the trouts menu. At other times pink is a great trigger color and when combined with the flash of the holographic tinsel and or the movement of the fuzzeled body and the soft front hackle are often enough to trigger a response.

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Bibio variant

Whilst the Bibio fly may have been originally designed as a blow fly representation it has found its place as a great top dropper fly in lakes where fish are midge feeders. That of course begs the question do fish take them as midges, or do they take them as some other insect more like a fly, but which spends part of its life cycle in the water, that just happens to hatch as the same time as a midge?

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My “trout” fly boxes

The number of fly boxes you carry is obviously one of personal choice. One difficulty you may encounter when you are setting up your fly boxes is which flies you should include, and how many flies you should carry in your fly box or boxes. The last thing you want to be doing is standing on the bank of a river madly pulling flies out to find a fly you know is there . . .somewhere, but it isn't where you expected to find it or you fly box or boxes are so crowded with flies that the one you are desperately looking for is hidden away . . . somewhere.

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TBH caddis nymphs

This generic representation of a caddis nymph tied on a Czech nymph type hook is one of my favourites. A good buggy looking fly that also has a subtle hot spot emerging wing of UV material. It's such a good fly I carry it in a number of different colour options.

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