Posts Tagged ‘flyfishing’

Hooks – holding mechanics (ceteris parabus)

So what you can conclude from these basic observations is that the lower the eye of the hook to the bend of the hook then the higher around the bend of the hook the fish will 'hang'. This observations has significant implications for the fly tier and the fly fisher.

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Floating nymph

This nymph applies elements of each of these two principals of science. The materials are all as buoyant as possible. This includes the tail which is deer hair and of course "hollow' and the closed cell foam which has tiny bubbles of air trapped within its membrane. It also has a reasonable "foot print" made up of the tail, and teased out seals fur body and thorax. Seals further adds a further benefit to the fly in that with a couple of brisk false casts it easily sheds water.

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Egg sac fly

Around 50 days after eggs have been lay sac fry hatch. These fry are poor swimmers because of the sac and consequently the imitation should be fished amongst the rubble on the stream bed or on the dead drift. Fish them under an indicator and respond to slightest irregular movement in the indicator in the same way you would if nymph fishing.

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. When bass are feeding on big insects like Cicadas and Hoppers that crash onto the water they also become susceptible to flies like poppers, and yes guppies, cast around their structure. At other times they just have a whack at them because there intruding into their domain. In either case the strikes and hook ups can be spectacular. They may be big in overall size but they do account for many a big bass.

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Rivers – my one rod set up in 2012

My compromise set up for rivers involves replacing the Camou leader from the French leader set up with a clear floating line and the long yellow indicator with a bright braided loop on the end of the fly line.

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Foam hopper – Chatto original

If you fish fast water and need a very buoyant hopper or a buoyant fly to support a nymph try this one.

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The Brassie fly has been around for a long time and certainly has a place in ever river fly box. It's a handy fly to have on hand if you need a buggy looking fly that sinks quickly or an anchor fly for a team of two or three flies.

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I have extended the population of flies that I carry in my fly box to include Spiders because they are an alternative representation for what we traditionally think of being a nymph representation.

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Carixia and shrimp

I have extended the population of flies that I carry in my nymph fly box to include flies like Carixia and Shrimp flies because I fish them ostensibly in the same way that I fish my nymphs.

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Bobs bits

I was told it was made from 'bits' and 'bobs' from off the fly tying bench and that it was therefor called a Bob's bits. I don't know if that is the true origin of the bobs bits fly but that is exactly how I make it. A bit of seals fur dubbing and a bit of whatever hackle is left on the bench. Just a couple of steps to tie it has heaps of applications in rivers and still water.

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