Booby egg


Basically a booby but without the body and tail. Suspend them off any of your weighted flies . . . lead heads are a good choice because they sink quickly and are cheap and easy to tie. In any case you need enough weight to get your booby egg down close to the bottom.

Tie the Floozeyes in with wool rather than thread so as to avoid cutting the axle between the two eyes and pick a colour for the wool which and the thread which is different to the colour of the Floozeyes but still one of the egg colours e.g. red, peach, salmon, orange and yellow. In the example below I have used orange Floozeyes tied in with yellow wool and red thread. The idea of the different colours is to add a bit of interest to the fly in the form of the appearance of yolk or blood.


Hook Thread Tying in material Eggs
Grub Red 2 strands of yellow wool Floozeyes


  1. Wind the thread from the 95% position to about 1/3 of the way down the hook shank .
  2. Return the thread to the 95% position and tie a length of two strand wool in along to top of the hook shank. Don't go out trying to buy 2 strand wool just divide normal 6 or 8 strand knitting wool.
  3. Wind the thread back to behind the eye of the hook.

  1. Use the two strand wool to tie the floozzeyes onto the top of the hook shank using the same technique you would for tying in say dumb bell eyes.
  2. If you use thread to tie in the floozzeyes you run the risk of the thread a cutting the axle between the 2 eyes.