River fly fishing set ups for competitions – the “best of the best”


As I continue through my fly fishing journey it's not surprising that as my skill level has evolved and I have experimented with different river fly fishing set ups and systems that the techniques that I regard as the "best of the best" have changed.

These three are what I currently regard as the "best of the best" systems and set ups for fishing rivers and as a general rule I try to have all three sets up fully prepared prior to the start of every competition river fly fishing session.

At the 2012 World Fly Fishing Championships which I participated in as part of the Australian team, leader lengths were limited to twice the length of the fly rod. Whilst at the "Worlds" that limitation was a rule variation I know that FIPS Mouche is currently considering incorporating that limitation in leader length into competition fishing rules.

The three river set ups described below all present leaders that are less than twice the length of the fly rod and are compliant with FIPS Mouche rules in all other regards.

Competition set up - short and longer leader for nymphing.

Competition set up - for dry fly fishing.

Competition set up - for swinging spiders and stripping wets.