{{+1}}Leaders – set ups for trout{{-1}}
When it all boils down leaders don't have to be as complicated as they are made out to be. I have set out below how I set up my trout leader and I hope that will provide as a minimum a reasonable starting point. Keep in mind however that I fish 10 foot #6 weight fly rods when fishing for trout in lakes and consequently if your using a shorter or longer rod you may need to adjust some of the measurements that I have used.{{end}}
{{+1}}PTN variant{{-1}}
This variation of Frank Sawyers pheasant Tail Nymph takes into account the shorter herl on pheasant tails that dominate the market these days and to include the substitution of peacock or coloured dubbing in the thorax and the addition of legs.{{end}}
{{+1}}Carrot dry fly{{-1}}
Tied with natural seals fur it is a fly that sits well on the water and easily sheds water with a snappy false cast.{{end}}
{{+1}}Carrot wet fly{{-1}}
This fly came about as an extension of the idea of using very popular carrot dry fly and has turned out to be a great weighted attractor fly to use on the top or middle dropper when fishing a representation fly on the point to river fish.{{end}}
{{+1}}Fly lines that I use – #10 Central Queensland{{-1}}
The fly rods that I use when fishing in the tropics for the likes of barramundi, mangrove jack, GT's, queenfish and tarpon are #10 weight Redington Predator fly rods. At only 8 foot 3 inches long they are relatively short rods that have turned out ideal for tropical fly fishing amongst the snags in rivers and also around the inshore reefs and headlands.{{end}}
{{+1}}St. Peter’s Winery and Distillery{{-1}}
Before I was able to indulge my passion for fishing I was lucky to have my own winery and distillery in the Riverina region of NSW. This thumb-nail picture shows the only French Charentais-Alambic still in the Southern hemisphere.{{end}}
{{+1}}#6 weight fly rods{{-1}}
A long time ago I decided that #6 weight fly rods were the right weight of fly rod for still water fishing for trout. Since then i have used #6 weight fly rods in many trout fisheries overseas and in Australia and have never for a minute considered changing to a different rod class.{{end}}
{{+1}}Getting started – bass and native fish flies{{-1}}
- Getting started - dry trout flies
- Getting started - wet trout flies
- Getting started - salt water flies
- Getting started - the gear
Bass and native fish flies are are flies that have been designed specifically for use fresh water environments to catch bass and other native fish that spend a large part of their life cycle in brackish or fresh water.
Dry flies.
Particularly for bass and saratoga a lot of attention has been focused on dry or surface flies undoubtedly because both species much sort after because of the voracious surface feeding attacks.
Wet flies
In the case of bass and saratoga fishing with wet flies is much less popular than the visual appeal of surface fishing whereas for other species such as silver perch, yellowbelly and cod it is mostly about wet flies.
Particularly for bass and saratoga a lot of attention has been focused on dry or surface flies undoubtedly because both species much sort after because of the voracious surface feeding attacks.
{{+1}}Double eyed, soft hackle dog nobbler{{-1}}
At the same time the woolly bugger was evolving in the US in England a similar fly that became known as a dog nobbler was also evolving. Dog nobbler flies were heavily weighted for use in deeper water, were generally not palmered with a hackle and often were tied with bead chain eyes.{{end}}