{{+1}}Gladstone – Coastal reefs, rocks and other structure{{-1}}
Mast head and other off shore reefs
Rundle Island (top of Curtis Island)
Facing island reefs including Perl Rocks and Sable Chief
Jenny Lind and Seal rocks
Channel markers
Gear options:
1) General fishing: 15/50 with 30lb braid, 50 flouro and a #4 fastatch clip. This can fish for “big fish” (particularly, barra and King Salmon) using Hard body lures, soft plastics, vibes and bottom bash i.e clip on a bait rig with 50lb paternoster rig and a swivel to connect to the Fashatch.
2) If bottom bashing and trolling is the main fishing method take the two big rods they have 40lb braid and 50lb leaders so can troll with one and have the second one ready to bottom either paternoster or binger directly above the bait.
3) Scrounger outfit: 4-10lb ugly stick with 20lb braid , 25lb flouro, #3 fastach clip. This can be used for scroungers such as snapper, netting cod etc, bream, flathead, grunter and fingermark
4) Barra and King Salmon stinger set up: 15/50 with 30lb braid, 50 fluoro and stinger above #4 fastatch clip.
5) #10weight fly outfit: Intermediate line and 30lb Maxima Ultra green leader plus big fish fly
Don’t forget:
1) If intending to keep table fish take the esky and ice
2) Swivels, lead and hooks for paternoster gigs
3) Hard body lures, soft plastics, vibes