{{+1}}Mangrove Jack & Fingermark{{-1}}
I have lumped the flies that I prefer for Australian Native fish into one group as by in large the species I target are all structure oriented. They tend to frequent areas with structure such as weed, sunken logs, rock bars, under cut banks, holes and drop offs etc. and generally react in much the same way.
Surface lures
These are the hard bodied lures I use when targeting surface feeders.
Top 2 meters
These hard bodied lures are the ones I use when target fish in shallow water, fish feeding just below the surface or above weed or in the tops of drowned timber.
Lures 2+ to 3.5 meters
These lures are all designed for fishing at depths between greater than 2 meters but less than 3.5 meters.
Paddle tails
Paddle tail soft plastics are my go to starting point lure when fishing for barramundi. From all the different types of lures the paddle tails, well at least the good ones as described below, have an swimming action that barra often home in on. Retrieves can be at various speeds but my preference is a slow roll, sometimes the slower the better. Barra will regularly follow just inches behind working out what it is. Throw in a pause of just a second right up to say 20 seconds and that is often all it takes to convert the follow into a strike.