{{+1}}Peacock herl – roping peacock herl{{-1}}
AKA: Roping peacock herl.
Peacock herl is the individual barbules off a peacock feather. It is wonderful fly tying material and as well as exhibiting its own natural highlight it exhibits various colours ranging from shades of greens through to various shades of blue. Individual herl can be used to dress a body on small flies but it is more common to use a number of herl to dress a body on a fly. The reason multiple herl are used in a rope form to create a body on a fly is firstly to generate more volume and secondly and more importantly to use the thread to reinforce the otherwise relatively fragile herl.
The technique for roping peacock herl and tying a peacock herl rope body for a right handed fly tier is as follows. If you are left handed please remember to switch the instructions around.
The same technique applies for both dry and wet flies.
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Author: StephenChatterton