"/> Sad day for trout fishing in The Snowy Mountains | fishonfly.com.au

Sad day for trout fishing in The Snowy Mountains


Well, that is just my personal opinion.

Please find following a notice from Snowy Hydro on possible delays on Tantangara Road over the next month ... I think this is the beginning of the end for our Snowy Mountain trout fisheries.


26.10.20 - Construction Notification - Site establishment at Tantangara - 28 Oct 2020


141116 photogrid eucumbene

Despite the many reassurances the powers that be have made about protecting our trout populations from the intrusion of Red Fin into Tantangara, Eucumbene, Jindabyne and our other Snowy Mountain Trout lakes I have this sinking feeling that when we reflect 10 years down the track the message will be

You know? we used to have a healthy population of Brown Trout and Rainbow Trout in these Snowy Mountain lakes."

I hope I am wrong ... but I don't think I will be.