Grenwells glory – wee wet


Almost every English dry fly has a wee wet version. This is mine Greenwells Glory wee wet. Its a great little fly for across and down and works particularly well when fished along with a bead head spider.



Hook Thread Rib Body Hackle Wing
Tiemco #12 and Knapek L #14 $ #16 6/0 primrose yellow Fine silver wire Thread Most recipes call for a coch-y-bonddu hackle but I prefer an English partridge feather Wood duck feather slip


  1. Wind the thread in touching turns to the bend of the hook and then back to the 95% position.
  2. Tie in a length of fine silver wire along the top of the hook shank.
  3. Wind the thread back to the 95% position in tight touching turns creating a thin cigar shaped body.
  4. Wind the fine silver wire up the body forming 5 or 6 equal body segments.
  5. Take an extra turn of the wire in front of the body and worry off the excess wire.

  1. Select an English partridge feather that has barbules about as long as the hook shank.
  2. Tie the feather in by the tip at the 95% position.

  1. Trim away the tip of the hackle with a blade.
  2. Take 2 or 3 turns of hackle at the 95% position. I generally find that 2 turns is enough.
  3. For all intentions at this stage, except for finishing the head of the fly, you have the equivalent of a 'North Country' spider.

  1. Select a pair of matching feather slips.
  2. Tie them in just behind the eye of the hook with one each side of the fly.
  3. Build up a neat head of thread.
  4. Whip finish the head of the fly.
  5. Trim the thread and varnish the head of the fly.