Trout flies


This Daphnia fly is designed to represent a cloud of Daphnia. Because it has heaps of body movement when twitched it is also a good prospecting fly in its original olive colour or other colours even when Daphnia are not present.

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Woolly worm

This is an old pattern and whilst it can be dressed in many different ways I prefer it dressed as described below which is similar to the original form with the exception of the tail which I prefer to be much finer than the original. I guess that makes it like a small Woolly Bugger. This fly works well in streams when fished across and down and is also a useful fly when fish are in still water mooching amongst flotsam & jetsam.

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Fuzzel buggers

The finished fly has a sort of "halo" of loose fibres around the fuzzeled part of the fly and this can be very effective. I tie two versions. The first has no hackle and the second incorporates a soft hackle just behind the bead if a bead is incorporated in the tie but otherwise behind the eye of the hook. Both work well in different situations.

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Zonker rattler

This fly has a number of particularly useful applications. For Bass and EP's and in discolored water it works well with a zonker strip back. In Estuaries it works well with a back of Super hair. As a prospecting fly it can be fished at a variety of depths. Perhaps the best method is to count the fly down and then jig it through the area you believe is holding fish.

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Craig’s nightime

This fly has been adopted by many Australian fly fishers as their favorite night time fly when the mudeye are hatching. Whilst the original version uses Pukeko feathers most in Australia use swamp hen breast feathers . . .obviously road kill as the bird is protected.

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Possum emerger

There are plenty of possum emergers out there. Generally they have a nymph like body and then either a brush type wing or a bud type wing. I like brush type wing emergers better as dense wing traps more air and consequently they float better. The little thorax of seals fur is also good because it sheds water with a flick of the fly.

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Foam flying ant / termite

The biggest problem with many termite and ant flies is that because you only use and only need two wraps of hackle to represent the legs they unfortunately have a tendency to sink. This foam termite whilst still looking realistic overcomes that problem.

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Foam flying ant / termite 2

On hot summer days or at almost any time for that matter you can get huge hatches of termites and flying ants. They vary in colour but the dominant hatches are of brown termites, red ants and black ants. When the fish are feeding on ants they just sup the insects down one by one often at the exclusion of all other food sources. If your fly imitates the ant well you have a better than equal chance of it being considered part of the food chain.

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Humpy – hair wing variant

The combination of materials and the structure of the tie provide a fly that floats well and has a good buggy appearance. I don't tie them as representations of any particular Dun or Spinner (imago) stage of any specific insect but I do try to either select appropriate colored materials to match various terrestrials that may find themselves on a trout's menu or to add a hot spot or to to solicit an inquiring strike.

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Ant – black

If it's a hot day, a warm balmy night, if water is rising over previously dry ground or almost any time for that matter you can get huge hatches of ants. They vary in colour but the dominant hatches are of black meat ants. When the fish are feeding on ants they just sup the insects down one by one often at the exclusion of all other food sources. The best technique for ant feeders is to grease your leader except for the last 60 cm or so and to cover individual fish or place your fly amongst the naturals in the path of feeding fish.

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