{{+1}}Eucumbene River access at Denison Camping Area{{-1}}
Here is an interesting email from Steve Samuels that I wanted to share with you regarding access to the Eucumbene River at the Denison Campging Area.
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To all our supporters
As you will be aware, anglers have been concerned about the environmental damage being caused to the Eucumbene River and its surrounds during the annual spawning run and after a year of hard work the preferred solution of limiting vehicle access at the Denison Campground by creating a car park there is now about to be implemented.
I am pleased to announce that the last part of the improvements to the access on the Eucumbene River has now been finalised. Today, I was informed by Kosciuszko National Park Authorities that they have finalised planning and expect to start work within the next two weeks to complete the part of the project that is on their estate. This will mean that the campground will be better defined with timber bollards with a view to stopping vehicle access beyond the camping area to the north. KNP have advised that as managers of the campground they will continue to work with MAS and the other agencies involved to ensure that the facilities meet the needs of anglers and others.
The Working Group is now finalising the administrative arrangements for the new access regime and I expect that anglers will be advised soon on how this will operate and what special arrangements have been made for disabled anglers.
I will take this opportunity to remind you that this was a project driven by anglers and coordinated by the MAS which will protect the spawning run for years to come.
While many of us will often criticise KNP, it has been a pleasure to deal with them over this issue and I especially acknowledge their willingness to work with anglers and provide considerable labor and material support for the project to protect our river and its spawning trout.
Steve Samuels
Monaro Acclimatisation Society Inc
23 March 2017