Garmin wiring

There are three wiring circuits in my 5.3 meter Polycraft centre console boat and each of them runs a separate path to ensure that all the wiring for each of the three circuits does not come in contact with any of the wiring for the other two circuits.

The Garmin circuit is as shown in the photo below. All the wiring for the Garmin circuit runs down the port side of the boat then across a channel in the floor to the inside of the centre console. From there it is dispersed to the various Garmin units whilst taking care to avoid any wiring touching any of the wiring from either of the other two wiring circuits in the boat.

The wiring for the 80lb thrust electric motor/anchor runs down the starboard side of the boat across a channel in the floor and to the 24 volt battery system and the electric motor. As above none of the wiring for this circuit touches any of the wiring from either of the other two wiring circuits.

The third circuit is underfloor wiring which is well clear of the other two circuits and that connects:

  • The wiring from the crank battery to the 115HP Yamaha outboard controls on the starboard side of the centre console.
  • Also channels excess power from the Yamaha motor alternator via a 12 VDC to 24 VDC charger to the 24 volt battery system which supplies the electric motor with power.
  • And finally this circuit also includes the wiring for the radio, bilge pumps, navigation and light bar.

    The whole idea of keeping the wiring from each circuit independent to other circuit wiring is to mitigate interference particularly on the Garmin screens.