You can cook trout in many ways but unless you add some zing you will find that it's often a bit flat. This is one of my personal favourite fried trout recipes.
The baste I have used below is honey and soy but its a great idea to try out a couple of other simple bastes like:
- Lemon and butter
- Sweet chilli source
- Teriyaki source
- Ginger and plum source
Preparation time less than 10 minutes.
- 1 trout of around 45cm / 1 kg in size (I prefer brown trout to rainbow)
- 2 table spoons of vegetable oil
- 1 table spoon of honey
- 1 table spoon of soy source
- Fry pan with lid
Serve with
Boiled Chap potatoes with butter
Peas and corn
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- Don't fillet or scale the trout - just remove the head and tail and gut from the trout. Don't go to to much trouble here as our aim is only to fit the trout in the pan and avoid the gut from tainting its delicate flavor.
- Wash the trout and drain off excess water. Don't worry about it being a little wet as your going to cook it with the lid on.
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- Best cooked over your camp fire but as an alternative can be coked in an electric fry pan with the temperature set at at 7 out of 10 on the heat control.
- Add the oil to the pan.
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- Whilst holding the lid in one hand drop the dressed trout into the pan with the other hand.
- Quickly put the lid on the pan so as to avoid being burnt by the eruption that will follow if there is any moisture on the trout.
- Cook the trout for 3 minutes with the lid on.
- During this time mix the honey and soy together in a small bowl.
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- Remove the lid and carefully turn the trout over. I generally find a egg slice and fork are the right tools for this job.
- Cook the second side of trout for 2 minutes mostly with the lid on.
E |
- Before putting the lid on use the fork and egg slice to loosen the skin and manipulate the skin into the rubbish.
- Using a pastry brush (it's OK as long as the wife doesn't know) baste the honey and soy mixture onto the side of the trout that is facing up and the skin has been removed from.
- Put the lid on for the balance of the 2 minutes.
F |
- When the 2 minutes has finished remove the lid and turn the trout over.
- Use the fork and egg slice to loosen the skin and manipulate the skin into the rubbish.
- Using the pastry brush paint the honey and soy mixture onto the side of the trout that is facing up and the skin has been removed from.
G |
- Turn the trout over so that the side that was cooked first is now on top.
- Turn the electric fry pan off.
H |
- Use the fork and the egg slice to carefully remove the flesh from the bones and serve it with boiled potato, peas and corm.
- Works for me.
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- Any left over trout should not be wasted. Using your fingers (after washing) flake the remaining trout and carefully remove the bones.
- Use the flaked boneless trout the next day on sandwiches, in my trout rissoles, or on Jatz crackers with Philadelphia cream cheese lemon and pepper.