Parachute adams


Perhaps the best known Para Dun Emerger is the Parachute Adams. It was derived form the Adams Irresistible and whilst the Irresistible sits high on the surface film the parachute version sits comfortably in the film making it a very useful emerger pattern.

Available on line – just $2 each fly tied on quality barbless hooks.


Hook Thread Tail Body & thorax Post Hackle
Size 12 & 18 Grey Grizzly & brown feather hackle fibres Grey dubbing Calf tail One Grizzly and one Brown hackle


  1. Starting at the 95% position wind thread in touching turns to the bend of the hook.
  2. Tie in a hackle tail that is equal in length to the shank of the hook.
  3. Return the thread 2/3 of the way up the hook shank.

  1. Tie in a post.

  1. Dub a carrot shaped body along the shank of the hook between the bend of the hook and the post.

  1. Tie in a hackle at the post.

  1. Wind the hackle round the post taking each turn of hackle below the previous turn.
  2. Tie the hackle off in front of the post and trim the hackle butt whilst holding the hackle out of the way.
  3. Apply a little dubbing to the thread and whilst holding the hackle out of the way with your left hand apply dubbing in front of the hackle post.
  4. Trim any wild tips on the post down to size.

  1. Build up a neat head whip finish and varnish.

  1. View from above.