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Fishing season reminders / NSW


Zero bag limit for bass and estuary perch starts 1 May and ends 31 August. Catch and release is allowed. The zero bag limit does not apply to fish in stocked freshwater impoundments, including Glenbawn Dam and Glennies Creek Dam in the Hunter Valley, Brogo Dam near Bega and Clarrie Hall and Toonumbar Dams in the northeast; anglers may continue to fish for these species in those waters all year round.


Spawning season starts 1 May in the Snowy Mountains and special rules apply to the Thredbo River and its tributaries and the Eucumbene River and its tributaries (upstream of the Lake Eucumbene dam wall and including Providence Portal). A minimum size limit of 50 cm, daily bag limit of one and possession limit of two trout will apply to these rivers from 1 May to the end of the Queen’s Birthday long weekend.

Annual closure on fishing in trout streams for NSW will be in place from Tuesday after the Queen's Birthday weekend and re-opens on the October long weekend. Trout dams remain open to fishing throughout the year.

When the season opens again in October, a minimum size limit of 25 cm, daily bag limit of two and possession limit of four trout again applies to the Thredbo and Eucumbene Rivers and other fly and lure only waters in NSW.

Murray cod

murray cod
Season closed in NSW from 1 September to 31 November, except Copeton Dam.

Eastern Freshwater Cod
Eastern freshwater cod

The annual three month fishing closure of the Mann and Nymboida Rivers and their tributaries comes into effect 1 August to 31 October. All fishing in the specified area is prohibited to enable the endangered Eastern Freshwater Cod to spawn uninterrupted during its breeding season. Eastern Freshwater Cod are totally protected throughout NSW regardless of where or when they may be found.

Murray crayfish
Closed all year other than the following waters between 1 June and 31 August each year inclusive: (a) Murrumbidgee River between the Hume Highway road bridge, Gundagai and Berembed Weir near Ganmain and (b) Murray River from 130 below Hume Weir near Albury to the Newell Highway road bridge at Tocumwal

Sad day for trout fishing in The Snowy Mountains

Well, that is just my personal opinion.

Please find following a notice from Snowy Hydro on possible delays on Tantangara Road over the next month ... I think this is the beginning of the end for our Snowy Mountain trout fisheries.


26.10.20 - Construction Notification - Site establishment at Tantangara - 28 Oct 2020


141116 photogrid eucumbene

Despite the many reassurances the powers that be have made about protecting our trout populations from the intrusion of Red Fin into Tantangara, Eucumbene, Jindabyne and our other Snowy Mountain Trout lakes I have this sinking feeling that when we reflect 10 years down the track the message will be

You know? we used to have a healthy population of Brown Trout and Rainbow Trout in these Snowy Mountain lakes."

I hope I am wrong ... but I don't think I will be.

Slick rig 130 – competition tuned with stinger or blade

I have progressively modified the Slickrig by reducing the internal weight so that it swims mid water, have modified the tail so that it swims better at a slow speed, added a subtle rattle to make it easier for barra to detect the lure and finally have added either a spinner or a set of trebles under the lure to induce and convert more hits to hook ups.

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Jackall Squirrel 79

Jackall Squirrel lures are all Hank tuned and consequently they come out of the box already tricked up with hardware suitable for barra. The original 79mm version swim off the cast at around 3 meters and a little deeper on the troll and come in a version including rattles and a silent version. In late 2020 a 115mm version which swims at 4 meters off the cast was introduced ... that is not yet available in a silent version.

They are a very versatile lures and respond well to all the normal retrieve techniques and for me in any lure session it would be unusual for these lures not to get a swim.

  • Jackall Squirrel HL Champagne Tiger Hank Tuned DD SQ79SP

  • Jackall Squirrel HL Ukoko Vision Wakasagi Hank Tuned SDD SQ79SP

  • Jackall Squirrel HL Ukoko Vision Sardine Hank Tuned SDD SQ79SP

  • Jackall Squirrel - TR shad
Jackle squirrel (2)

Castaic Jerky J Swimbait 7 inch

The Jerky J Swimbait 7" is one of just a handful of soft plastics I rely on when Barramundi fishing in competitions.

Predominately this is a dusk, dawn or full moonlight soft plastic.


My three favorite colours are:

  • Green Shad as in the top of the photo above
  • Boneless Chicken which is a translucent pink colour
  • Blue Shad as in the bottom of the photo above

The three hooks that I rig this paddle tail soft plastic on are from top to bottom in the photo above:

  • Mustard Big Game Head Size 12/0 20 gram (7/10 oz)
  • TT Head Hunter / Warrior 8/0 12 gram (3/8 oz)
  • Owner Flashy Swimmer 516-080 10/0 (1/2 oz)

Also I note that when required, as in top example, I also add either a willow or beetle silver or gold spinner mounted on a screw in twist lock.

Tiemco 40mm soft shell cicada

This very popular surface lure is my choice of cicada surface lure for bass and for any species that feeds on the natural.

My colour choice is black or olive tsukutsuku.

The wings fold in on the cast so that it casts well and the pressure of water as the lure is retrieved makes the wings fold out and imparts a "walk the dog" swimming action on the lure with plenty of water movement.

My preferred retrieve is to cast the lure close to where you think bass are holding and let it sit till the impact rings on the surface dissipate. If they don't illicit a strike then just wiggle the rod tip to reactivate the rings again. If that doesn't illicit a strike slowly retrieve the lure with a few pause along the way.


Yakamito Devil Edge 60

This a really neat small diving lure that dives down as much as 3 meters.

I particularly like it because it’s a floating lure and if you feel your line or leader touch timber and immediately pause the retrieve the lure rises quick enough it to risen above the timber by the time you restart your retrieve . If it does hook up on timber a soft approach is best and the lure will often release it the line is repeatedly jiggled or flicked to release the snagged hook from the timber.

For bass my favorite colour is P01653 Pinky. This colour has a purple hue which bass love. There is a second colour from the range that I also think will be a winner and that's a translucent barred gold. I am pretty sure that will be great for bass and bream.


Calendar – Central Qld species

Food source JFMAMJJASOND Fly * Dark Side suggestions
Bream                         FLY
Mud prawn
PET shell prawn
Mutant clouser
Flathead                         Articulated swimmer
Mutant clouser
Mud prawn
Pregnant prawn
Articulated sinking flashy swimmer
Whiting                         Estuary fly
Mud prawn
PET shell prawn
Mutant clouser
Foam back prawn
Mangrove Jack                         Mud prawn
Pregnant prawn
Mutant clouser
Articulated booby
Poly head popper
Fingermark                         Mud prawn
Pregnant prawn
Articulated swimmer
Mutant clouser
Baitfish Bugger
Grunter (AKA Javlin)                         Mud prawn
Pregnant prawn
Articulated swimmer
Mutant clouser
Baitfish Bugger
Barramundi - saltwater                         Articulated sinking flashy swimmer
Articulated swimmer
Mutant clouser
Baitfish Bugger
Barramundi - impoundments incl full moon nights                         Articulated sinking flashy swimmer
Articulated swimmer
Mutant clouser
Baitfish Bugger
Threadfin Salmon - blues                         Pregnant prawn
Mutant clouser
Baitfish Bugger
Threadfin Salmon - Kings                         Pregnant prawn
Mutant clouser
Baitfish bugger
Big Queenfish                         #4/0 Mutant clouser
#4/0 Articulated bait fish
#3/0 pelagic candy
#4/0 Baitfish bugger
Smaller Queenfish                         #3/0 Mutant clouser
#3/0 Baitfish bugger
#3/0 Articulated swimmer
GT's, Golden Trevally, Blue Trevally etc.                         #4/0 Articulated bait fish

#3/0 Mutant clouser
#3/0 Baitfish bugger
#3/0 Pelagic candy
#3/0 Articulated swimmer

Mackerel                         #4/0 Mutant clouser
#4/0 Articulated bait fish
#4/0 Baitfish bugger
Tuna                         #4/0 Mutant clouser
#3/0 Pelagic candy
#4/0 Articulated bait fish
#4/0 Baitfish bugger

2020 Venom – Lake Awoonga Open

On 29th September I was fortunate to be invited by Scott McAuley, who I have fished with socially on quite a few occasions, to partner up with him to fish the 2020 Venom - Lake Awoonga Open. Many thanks to Scott ... I had a wonderful time and learned so much.

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Articulated bibbed barra baitfish

This fly is designed to be fished very slowly and is one of my favorite targeting flies for barra in Awoonga dam. It's not designed to represent any particular bait fish but it does have a shape, form and function similar to many of the little fish that barra target.

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