Posts Tagged ‘Corixia’

Tiger midge

This is a great dropper fly in lakes where there are populations of midge and my good mate Peter Walsh, who first came up with particular tie, fishes it with plenty of confidence and results. It's a lot like my Bibio variant except that the dominant colours are black and orange as apposed to back and red and it is tied without a front hackle.

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Corixia / back swimmer

Given the similarity of form and function both of these aquatic bugs can be represented by the following fly. This fly is best fished on a floating line that has been greased to within a meter of the fly or under a dry fly. It generally works well just sinking in the water column or moving naturally with the water current. If unnoticed try a couple of short figure of eight strips punctuated by a long pause to represent the natural swimming action of both bugs or a gentle lift to mimic "the natural" rising to the surface to breath.

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