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Articulated swimmer – Chartreuse

These flies are a great standby for when big queenfish, GT's and goldens, that are either hunting on sand flats or are attacking blue-water bait fish , shun more natural coloured offerings and yet get turned onto chartreuse coloured flies.

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Colours for “big fish” flies

Fly colours rules of thumb: For bright days bright colours, dark days dark colours, clear water translucent flies in natural colours, dirty water solid colours and match the hatch when possible.

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Fly colour choices – #10 weight tropical destination

This is a list of all the flies in my #10 weight fly box for temperate & tropical destinations sorted by colour.

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Pregnant prawn – size #3/0 10 cm long with rubber legs

This is the biggest pregnant prawn fly that I tie and is one of my goto flies here in Central Queensland when targeting barramundi in estuary and harbor waters. It's not unusual to hook up on queenfish, travally, flathead or other species that eat prawns.

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TBH Dross nymph variant

In 2018 I was introduced a fly called a Droz nymph that had skipped my attention even though it has been used for several seasons with great success in Tasmania, Victoria and even NSW. It's now one of the first river flies that I tie on.

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Articulated bugger

It doesn't matter which of the larger CQ species your fishing for ... at 13cm long and with a great swimming action more often than not my articulated bugger in Qantas colours is my goto fly.

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New fly categories added for 2020 BTHU

Originally posted on January 9 on

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For the 2020 Boyne Tannum Hook Up as well as there being the GT Fly Fishing Category that was introduced in 2019 there will also be new separate fly fishing categories for both seniors and juniors for flathead, yellowfin bream, whiting, grunter, fingermark and barramundi.

If you want to enter fish into these new fly fishing categories the fish will have to be legal size and be caught using a fly rod, fly line and flies and you will need to submit the photographic evidence as set out in the competition rules … so read them carefully.

150216 flathead Bream - yellow fin 191214 night barra
Flathead Yellowfin bream Barramundi

whiting barred grunter 190306 fingermark2
Whiting Barred & silver grunter Fingermark

As a Top 100 supporter of BTHU I have been asked to provide a number of blogs providing information that may help you catch these iconic species on fly.

Before we go too far I just want to put it out there that my blogs are a reflection of part of my fly fishing journey. Don’t take them as gospel but do feel free to use them as a foundation in developing your own abilities to catch these fish on fly.

My second blog will start of with some information about catching flathead on fly so stay tuned.

Coastal & inland native species- Fly fishing gear & set up

I am lucky in that I often find myself having the opportunity of fishing my #8 weight fly outfits to either in east coat estuary waters or inland native species waters. Along the coast and in estuaries I target bream, flathead, whiting, tarpon and small pelagics on my #8 weight outfits.

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Leaders – #10 weight / Central Queensland

At the business end of my leader I have a 50lb Mustard Fastach clip to make connecting flies to the leader easy and fly changes easy. These clips allow flies to move around as easily as when connected to a loop knot and I don't find the clip to be any more intrusive that a loop knot.

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Estuary grub

in the process of Tiewell being sold and reinvented the large rubber tails for #2/0 versions of my estuary fly never came back on the market. What I have come up with as an alternative is using the rear half of the 2.5? Z Man Grub Z. That has created an even better fly.

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