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Species – Mangrove Jack and Fingermark

They chase the same sort of food items as bream, grunter and flathead including prawns and shrimp, small fish, crabs, molluscs such as rock oysters and worms so it is not surprising that representations of prawns and small bait fish preferably tied on solid #2/0 or #3/0 hooks are great flies for mangrove jack and fingermark.

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Leaders for trout in lakes & rivers

When it all boils down setting up a loch style or river leader doesn't have to be as complicated as it's made out to be. I have set out below how I set up my trout leaders for both social and competition fly fishing and I hope that will provide some incite for you.

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Foam back prawn

This fly is a floating version of my PET prawn fly and can be a real game changer and so much fun when estuary species, particularly bream and whiting, are feeding on the surface.

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Fishing season reminders – NSW


Zero bag limit for bass and estuary perch starts 1 May and ends 31 August. Catch and release is allowed. The zero bag limit does not apply to fish in stocked freshwater impoundments, including Glenbawn Dam and Glennies Creek Dam in the Hunter Valley, Brogo Dam near Bega and Clarrie Hall and Toonumbar Dams in the northeast; anglers may continue to fish for these species in those waters all year round.


Spawning season starts 1 May in the Snowy Mountains and special rules apply to the Thredbo River and its tributaries and the Eucumbene River and its tributaries (upstream of the Lake Eucumbene dam wall and including Providence Portal). A minimum size limit of 50 cm, daily bag limit of one and possession limit of two trout will apply to these rivers from 1 May to the end of the Queen’s Birthday long weekend.

Annual closure on fishing in trout streams for NSW will be in place from Tuesday after the Queen's Birthday weekend and re-opens on the October long weekend. Trout dams remain open to fishing throughout the year.

When the season opens again in October, a minimum size limit of 25 cm, daily bag limit of two and possession limit of four trout again applies to the Thredbo and Eucumbene Rivers and other fly and lure only waters in NSW.

Murray cod

Season closed in NSW from 1 September to 31 November, except Copeton Dam.

Eastern Freshwater Cod

The annual three month fishing closure of the Mann and Nymboida Rivers and their tributaries comes into effect 1 August to 31 October. All fishing in the specified area is prohibited to enable the endangered Eastern Freshwater Cod to spawn uninterrupted during its breeding season. Eastern Freshwater Cod are totally protected throughout NSW regardless of where or when they may be found.

Murray crayfish

Closed all year other than the following waters between 1 June and 31 August each year inclusive: (a) Murrumbidgee River between the Hume Highway road bridge, Gundagai and Berembed Weir near Ganmain and (b) Murray River from 130 below Hume Weir near Albury to the Newell Highway road bridge at Tocumwal
Fishing season reminders

Impoundment barramundi

I am still serving my apprenticeship when it comes to catching barra both on fly and on the dark side but slowly I am getting a handle on these incredibly iconic fish and Awoonga as an iconic fishery.

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Sort out your fly boxes

Every now and then it's worth going through your fly boxes and resorting them. Not only does it give you a chance to re-establish some order in your fly boxes but it also helps identify where you need to tie a few and which ones you can discard.

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Chatto’s fizzer

This fly swims well and the propeller at the front adds an element of action that fish find enticing. You can tie this fly in any colour combination to mimic the colour of some of the more popular lure colours that your mates that fish the "dark side" use so successfully.

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BOM climate outlooks

Latest climate outlook for the next few months from the BOM is not good.

Main points are:
- Drier than average likely, but may start to ease for some in early 2020.
- Rainfall is likely to be below average across most of the country for November.
- The likelihood of drier conditions in eastern NSW has intensified for November.
- The drier outlook continues into December for most of the southern half of Australia, Queensland, and the southern two-thirds of the NT.
- However, the summer outlook is more neutral, with only parts of Queensland, SA and other small scattered areas likely to be drier.
- While outlooks for drier than average conditions may ease for some areas in the coming months, it should be noted that several months of above average rainfall would be needed to see a recovery from current long-term rainfall deficiencies.

Jig fly

This fly is designed as a bait to jig along the muddy and sandy bottom of local rivers and estuary bays when targeting fingermark, grunter and and flathead in particular.

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Articulated baitfish – big fish fly version

This fly has been designed to have an obvious bait fish profile and is my 'goto' fly when targeting sighted big ambush predators or pelagics or when prospecting for the same predators around structure. This is a big fly with the #4/0 version being 11.5 cm long but because it's unweighted it's relatively easy to cast.

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