My fly boxes
The number of fly boxes you carry is obviously one of personal choice. One difficulty you may encounter when you are setting up your fly boxes is which flies you should include, and how many flies you should carry in your fly box or boxes. The last thing you want to be doing is standing on the bank of a river madly pulling flies out to find a fly you know is there . . .somewhere, but it isn’t where you expected to find it or you fly box or boxes are so crowded with flies that the one you are desperately looking for is hidden away . . . somewhere.
{{+1}}Shrek – Chatto’s viva{{-1}}
It seems that these days the term 'VIVA' has been given to the very popular and successful colour combination of light green or chartreuse and black.{{end}}
{{+1}}Lake Bellfield – Western Districts{{-1}}
Lake Bellfield is located near Zumsteins Crossing is 3 km from Halls Gap or 53 km from Horsham and is located in the shadow of the Grampians in the western district of Victoria.{{end}}
{{+1}}Tumut River{{-1}}
The river banks and surrounding paddocks are punctuated by willows and poplars that have a heritage going back to the early settlers.{{end}}
{{+1}}Tantangara Reservoir{{-1}}
Tantangara is one of my favourite lakes not only because its fishes well most of the time but also because it is harder than most of the lakes in the scheme to access and consequently it doesn't get as much fishing or boat pressure as some of the other lakes.{{end}}
{{+1}}Lake Jindabyne{{-1}}
The lake is about 15km long and about 6km at its widest point and up to 37 meters deep. Strong winds often prevail or blow up with little notice and the surface of the lake can turn treacherously choppy with no notice at all.{{end}}
{{+1}}Borumba Dam{{-1}}
Located near Imbil south of Gympie Borumba Dam is unique in that it offers both great Bass and Saratoga fly fishing.{{end}}
{{+1}}Squirmy caddis{{-1}}
Somewhat of a fusion of a traditional caddis pupa emerger and a squirmy wormy this fly has earned a place in my fly box as a great middle or top dropper fly for both a loch style team and a river team.{{end}}
{{+1}}Chatto’s fizzer{{-1}}
This fly swims well and the propeller at the front adds an element of action that fish find enticing. You can tie this fly in any colour combination to mimic the colour of some of the more popular lure colours that your mates that fish the "dark side" use so successfully.{{end}}
{{+1}}Christmas Island Special – mauve{{-1}}
This is the newest addition to my top six CXI special colours. It's a little more subtle than the electric camel but I think that adds to its appeal to bone fish.{{end}}
{{+1}}CXI Special – Orange (AKA Ring Burner){{-1}}
Definitely one of my favourite colours for a CXI fly and an absolute must in my top 6 colour selection.{{end}}