My fly boxes
The number of fly boxes you carry is obviously one of personal choice. One difficulty you may encounter when you are setting up your fly boxes is which flies you should include, and how many flies you should carry in your fly box or boxes. The last thing you want to be doing is standing on the bank of a river madly pulling flies out to find a fly you know is there . . .somewhere, but it isn’t where you expected to find it or you fly box or boxes are so crowded with flies that the one you are desperately looking for is hidden away . . . somewhere.
{{+1}}Bibio blob{{-1}}
One of my favourite flies for waters where there is midge activity is the bibio and when I am fishing those waters most of the time I have a bibio on the top dropper. This blob is fast becoming a go to alternative to a bibio for me.{{end}}
{{+1}}Tequila blob{{-1}}
It took me some time to get into using blobs but these days there are plenty of trout waters where I include a blob in my team most of the time. This is one of my favourites blob flies particularly when the waters have a good population of rainbow trout.{{end}}
{{+1}}Christmas Island special{{-1}}
With just these seven colour each tied in two sizes and a couple of weights you will be ready for some fantastic bonefish sessions on the flats. Christmas Island Special in: Pink, Pearl, Orange – rich, Orange - light, Violet, Chartreuse & Yellow.{{end}}
{{+1}}Chatto’s flats minnow{{-1}}
This is a fly that I developed specifically for sight fishing on the flats to the likes of bream, flathead, bonefish and permit. It's a very fishy looking fly and has a little blood spot that adds to the appearance of the fly being a wounded fish.{{end}}
{{+1}}Rubber legged olive gotcha{{-1}}
This is a popular rubber tailed Gotcha type fly which is very similar to other peoples ties. It has it's place in your bonefish fly box for those occasions where the bones shy away from the bright colours of most other bone fish flies.{{end}}
{{+1}}Aitutaki secret{{-1}}
This is a popular rubber tailed Gotcha type fly designed by Christopher Hall, an Aitutaki regular for targeting big bonefish.{{end}}
{{+1}}Rubber legged gotcha – orange & pearl{{-1}}
If your heading off on a fishing trip the gotcha fly in a few colour combinations and a couple of sizes should definitely be included in you fly box. I was looking at the Fulling Mills bonefish flies and one of them was predominately orange with a pearl body ... this is my version of that combination. It doesn't matter if it's fresh or salt water orange is one of those trigger colours for fish.{{end}}
{{+1}}Rubber legged gotcha – Etu inspired{{-1}}
The story line was that the bonefish had refused every fly they had offered the day before so for the next days outing Etu tied this fly on the beach and then they walked straight into the water and immediately hooked a fish ... gee it must be a good fly. Anyway I do like it because Aitutaki bonefish do seem to like flies that incorporate a yellow component.{{end}}
{{+1}}Red TBH CDC black fuzzel jig bugger{{-1}}
This fly is one of a series of 4 woolly bugger flies that I tie specifically for river fishing and if I only had one woolly bugger in my river fishing fly box this would be the one.{{end}}
{{+1}}Tidal flats shrimp – orange and brown{{-1}}
This orange and brown size #2 hook version of my tidal flats shrimp is my first choice of fly when targeting feeding trigger fish. It stands out in the storm of mud and other debris that trigger fish stir up as they forage around for food.{{end}}