{{+1}}Leaders for trout in lakes & rivers{{-1}}
When it all boils down setting up a loch style or river leader doesn't have to be as complicated as it's made out to be. I have set out below how I set up my trout leaders for both social and competition fly fishing and I hope that will provide some incite for you.{{end}}
{{+1}}Foam back prawn{{-1}}
This fly is a floating version of my PET prawn fly and can be a real game changer and so much fun when estuary species, particularly bream and whiting, are feeding on the surface.{{end}}
{{+1}}Chatto’s fizzer{{-1}}
This fly swims well and the propeller at the front adds an element of action that fish find enticing. You can tie this fly in any colour combination to mimic the colour of some of the more popular lure colours that your mates that fish the "dark side" use so successfully.{{end}}
{{+1}}Jig fly{{-1}}
This fly is designed as a bait to jig along the muddy and sandy bottom of local rivers and estuary bays when targeting fingermark, grunter and and flathead in particular.{{end}}
{{+1}}Baitfish fly- pink over pink and / or white{{-1}}
My clousers have progressively mutated to being tied out of synthetic Flash Blend. This is my best mutation to date and as well as being very durable it is slightly translucent and moves well in the water making the representation of a bait fish better than the original. It also sheds water well on the pick up and back cast making it easy to cast.{{end}}
{{+1}}Christmas Island Special – mauve{{-1}}
This is the newest addition to my top six CXI special colours. It's a little more subtle than the electric camel but I think that adds to its appeal to bone fish.{{end}}