These articles are predominately related to fishing for trout.

{{+1}}Christmas Island Special – mauve{{-1}}
This is the newest addition to my top six CXI special colours. It's a little more subtle than the electric camel but I think that adds to its appeal to bone fish.{{end}}

{{+1}}CXI Special – Orange (AKA Ring Burner){{-1}}
Definitely one of my favourite colours for a CXI fly and an absolute must in my top 6 colour selection.{{end}}

{{+1}}Christmas Island Special – orange pearl{{-1}}
Orange pearl is one of my favourite colour combinations of Christmas Island Special (CXI) flies that my mates and I have seen on our various trips to Christmas Island and Aitutaki. It is generally in the top 6 producing colours of CXI flies on every trips.{{end}}

{{+1}}Christmas Island Special – chartreuse{{-1}}
In plenty of salt water fisheries the saying "if it's not chartreuse it's not any use" applies so it's no surprise that this fly is included in my top six CXI flies list.{{end}}
{{+1}}Protected: Stephen Chatterton – medical information{{-1}}
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.{{end}}

{{+1}}Christmas Island Special – pink{{-1}}
There are a lot of colour combinations of Christmas Island Special (CXI) flies that my mates and I have seen on our various trips to Christmas Island and Aitutaki. Some work sometimes and not others and some work more often than not. This is my list of CXI flies that more often than not consistently work.{{end}}

{{+1}}Hackled gold ribbed hares ear{{-1}}
On balance I think it fishes better than the Greenwells Glory. It works equally well on running or still water and is a little more buoyant than the Greenwell Glory and is buoyant enough to support a small bead head nymph in a wet under dry team.{{end}}

{{+1}}Claret caddis{{-1}}
Any time there are caddis on the wing this fly is worth a swim in the middle position of a team of three loch flies. One of the most important things to remember when tying this fly is not to overdress it ... make sure you can see a gap between the two wings even when the rabbit fur is dry and fluffed out.{{end}}

{{+1}}TBH / CDC river jig bugger – brown{{-1}}
In rivers they lend themselves to being swung down and across shallow water or to being swum down where the fish are holding in deeper pools. They also work well in a two fly Euro Nymph style team. In still water they are a great option fished alone at any depth to nervous fish and are an ideal middle dropper or point fly in a team of two or three buggers.{{end}}